Clarity To Scale

Transform your existing coaching offer into a scalable group coaching program and free up 20+ hours each week while creating predictable + recurring income...without relying on 1:1 calls or sacrificing client connection.

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So, your business is "working", but it feels like a ball and chain holding you down, rather than providing the spacious life and business you envisioned...

Watch a sneak peek of the private training below!

You want to create a business and offers that fit the life you are creating for you and your family, not the other way around

You started your business to help others AND have more time and spaciousness in your life to spend with family, travel, invest in your own personal growth. You're not interested in being tied to zoom all day, working during family dinners, overwhelmed with back to back calls, and unable to spend quality time with the people you love.

You don't care about vanity metrics. You want consistent and predictable revenue.

You started this business for freedom, not a feast or famine income rollercoaster. Live launching is exhausting you and back to back 1:1 zoom calls and voxer check-ins have you on the fast track to burn out.

Hi, I'm Natanya

I'm a mom, recovering perfectionist, an introvert, and coach to over 1,000 coaches and consultants that I've helped create purpose-driven businesses designed to create the income and impact that they were born to.

I believe that reaching your full potential requires a combination of aligned business strategy and unapologetically stepping into the next level version of you.

After a decade working for Fortune 500 brands in the brand marketing space, I left it all behind and moved to Paris to fulfill my one-day dream.

I know what it's like to have a business that's "working" but still feel stuck, burnt out, and questioning why you don't feel the freedom everyone promised entrepreneurship to bring. I know what it's like to feel guilt behind your income goals, fear of being selfish or judged.

I went from making $30K year in my business to over $1million while working less. What changed?

I got clear on who and how I'm meant to serve. I created a community to amplify the transformation my clients were receiving privately. I made getting out of my own way my number one job. I created a system and built a team capable of scaling to multiple seven figures.

You can do this too. You can scale your business without sacrificing your freedom of time. You can scale your income without sacrificing the impact and transformation your clients receive.

You get to decide what freedom looks like and design a life and business that supports it.

Ready to step into your next level of income and impact?


Hi, I'm Natanya

I'm a mom, recovering perfectionist, an introvert, and coach to over 1,000 coaches and consultants that I've helped create purpose-driven businesses designed to create the income and impact that they were born to.

I believe that reaching your full potential requires a combination of aligned business strategy and unapologetically stepping into the next level version of you.

After a decade working for Fortune 500 brands in the brand marketing space, I left it all behind and moved to Paris to fulfill my one-day dream.

I know what it's like to have a business that's "working" but still feel stuck, burnt out, and questioning why you don't feel the freedom everyone promised entrepreneurship to bring.

I went from making $30K year in my business to over $1million while working less. What changed?

I got clear on who and how I'm meant to serve. I created a community to amplify the transformation my clients were receiving privately. I made getting out of my own way my number one job. I created a system and built a team capable of scaling to multiple seven figures.

You can do this too. You can scale your business without sacrificing your freedom of time. You can scale your income without sacrificing the impact and transformation your clients receive.

You get to decide what freedom looks like and design a life and business that supports it.

Ready to step into your next level of income and impact?

I've worked with over 1,000 coaches and consultants, and they ALL run into one (or both) of these problems...

No Time Freedom

  • You're tired of missing moments with your family and friends (I see you working during dinner time). You know that to scale you can’t rely on 1:1 or continue to only sell via discovery calls.
  • You don't want to have to rely on live launches but are clueless on how to enroll clients evergreen so that you don't have to be online and tied to your laptop.
  • Your calendar is filled with 1:1 calls, discovery calls, and Voxer check-ins. You love the connection with your clients, but you also need time and space to connect with your family and friends.

No Financial Freedom

  • You're tired of wondering if last month's "five-figure month" was a fluke and having to study your bank account. You want predictability and dependability around your income each month.
  • You know that the transformation you provide is worth more than what you charge, but getting other people to see that is exhausting. You're tired of taking on non-ideal clients because you have to.
  • You get great testimonials from clients, but when it comes to pre-sale, you wonder if there’s something off with your messaging, your sales funnel, or both.

More Importantly....

  • While the thought of enrolling 10+ clients every month excites you, it also terrifies you because you know your systems would break and you have no clue how you would support them all without adding more to your already filled calendar...
  • You want to create a community for your clients and keep the integrity and connection of the work and transformation you provide your clients 1:1...
  • The thought of creating the content, marketing, or even figuring out a name for a group program overwhelms you...
  • You know that you've been playing small, hiding your voice, doing what you think you "should do" and not truly owning the impact you were born to make (and let's be honest, you're REALLY good at what you do).

Just Imagine...

Having more time, more time to travel, to spend with your family, to unapologetically LIVE this dream life you set out to create...

Enrolling 5, 10...20...or even 50 clients per month AND having the systems and team to support them without burning out...

Being able to create a business model that is aligned with YOU and how you best serve your clients

Knowing EXACTLY what's coming in next month because you have recurring monthly income that's guaranteed

Taking on 1:1 clients when you WANT to, not because you HAVE to.

 "I already had a group program, but I was doing tons of sales calls and 1:1 support and knew that I needed a different method to scale. I followed everything Natanya showed me and have been able to enroll clients in my revamped program (following her framework) without sales calls and at a higher price. I just passed $200K in sales for my program and it wouldn't be possible without Natanya's strategies and support." Melinda, Holistic Wellness Coach

This and More is Possible When You Have a Scalable Group Coaching Program


Clarity To Scale is a high-touch 12-month coaching program designed to transition your existing offer into a scalable group coaching program and step into the next level version of you, your business, and your impact.


Transform your offer into a scalable group program with a high touch enrollment and support experience


Shift how you show up in your business and content. Own your voice and attract and enroll your dream clients with ease.


Amplify your hybrid (evergreen and live) sales funnel and grow consistently and sustainably.


  • More time to spend with your kids, take your family on vacation, travel with your partner, invest in your own growth
  • Have a transformational coaching program that can fully support a limitless number of clients
  • Be able to charge for the transformation your work provides, and not the number of hours or sessions
  • Create a completely high touch experience for nurturing, sales, client onboarding, and more
  • Being able to confidently predict your income months in advance
  • Take 1:1 clients because you want to, not because you have to
  • Work with your dream clients, who know and see the value in your offer and mission

Weekly Group Coaching Calls

Twelve months of weekly group coaching calls where you will receive personalized and strategic feedback, support, and guidance to keep moving forward.

Submit Your Work for Weekly Critiques

I know how important personalized feedback and having eyes on your unique business is! You will be submitting every piece of work for review and personal video feedback by Natanya and the coaching team.

The Complete Clarity To Scale Curriculum

You will have 12 months of access to all Clarity To Scale trainings via our client portal.

Over the course of twelve months you will receive access to trainings and resources to help you:

  • Transition your offer into a scaleable group model
  • Develop your unique content that converts strategy
  • Design and deliver your sales event
  • Automate your sales and onboarding experience
  • Amplify your growth using our hybrid marketing & sales approach so that you can design a business that fits into the life you are creating - not the other way around.

New Client Onboarding Call

No two businesses are alike. That's why it's important from day one that you have our eyes on YOUR unique business, goals, and vision.

You will walk away from your first call with a step-by-step action plan for you to navigate the program based on where you are today and your unique goals.

Bi-Weekly Coworking

Procrastination no more. Twice per month, we'll meet to knock out your to-do list and move from idea to action.

Take this time to connect with business owners who understand your mission.

Private Community

You don't have to go at this alone. I am very protective of the community and every person accepted to this program has been hand picked by me.

Get 24/7 support, advice, and strategy from business owners who share similar business values and vision.

Apply for Clarity To Scale Private Training

I've worked with hundreds of coaches, course creators, and experts from idea, to launch, to scaling, to pivoting and everything in between.

Hear directly from some of my clients at various stages of business:

"I enrolled 19 clients for the launch of my program. I was so nervous about switching from 1:1 to group, but Natanya showed me exactly how to repackage my program and provide support so that my clients still get the transformation and attention they deserve. I just turned on my evergreen funnel and got my first automated sale - it feels so surreal to receive a stripe notification from someone I've never spoken to! Natanya is a genius at sales, marketing, content and helps you make sure you are applying strategies in a way that makes sense for your unique business!"

– Tiffani

"As I close out January I have finally accomplished my goal of generating $20,000 in Net Revenue Sales in 1 month. A few months ago, I spoke it into the atmosphere and, now it finally has come to life. Thanks to Natanya and our strategy sessions motivated me to take more action. From, there I gained more visibility and that led to more people seeing my offer and me increasing my conversion rate. Overall, I started off the year with a targeted goal and ended up finishing my 1st month off strong."

– Lekita

 "When I started working with Natanya, I created my very first program and had incredible success with it. Working with Natanya led to a sense of clarity in my business that I'd never felt before.

Natanya is an incredible mentor and business strategist that the coaching industry needs more of."

– Marisa

I really had no clue where to start or how to begin on starting a profitable coaching business. I literally only had passion. Natanya has been super amazing! She’s changed my life and I can’t thank her enough.She’s shown honesty, integrity, knowledge, and professionalism every step of the way and I am forever grateful! I tell everyone about my coach. It’s been life-changing! 

– Fatima